retarded definition urban

Urban Dictionary: sped.
About 75 f the definitions on are made by people who are illiterate. buy illiterate mugs & shirts. by Rakeman Jun 1, 2005 add a video.
a derogatory term meaning retard. comes from the phrase special education may also be used as sped sled, meaning the short little school buses all the special.
Urban Dictionary: Retarded.
retarded definition urban
Urban Dictionary: Retarded.
an adjective used to describe something or someone that is pleasing to the eye, or looks good.
The R-word, retard(ed), was used in the past to describe a person with an intellectual or developmental disability. Since then, it has morphed into a slang word to.
retarded definition urban
Urban Dictionary: retarded.
There is one meaning of this word, that is "Dumbass." So if anyone calls you. 1337!!! NOBB! Pro: -_- I was implying born retarded, but whatever floats your boat .
Urban Dictionary: frittata.
1) The scalar or vector potential of a time varying current or charge distribution. 2) A scalar or vector potential that is generally thought of as useless and hated by.
Sex act which involves penetrating your partner's ear canal with your penis while biting their legs or feet and making loud Wookiee noises.
People like thith are uthually labeled thtupid or retarded thimply becauthe of the way they thpeak. I am the Pink Rattlethnake! Don't thtep on me or I'll bite you I.
1) The scalar or vector potential of a time varying current or charge distribution. 2) A scalar or vector potential that is generally thought of as useless and hated by.
1) The scalar or vector potential of a time varying current or charge distribution. 2) A scalar or vector potential that is generally thought of as useless and hated by.
3. Slowpoke. A Retarded Pink Pokemon that Kills you with psyhic moves. Trainer: GO SLOW POKE Slowpoke:DEERRRRRRR Trainer:Slowpoke use Psyhic!
stupid · dumb · idiot · retard · retarded · moron · annoying · dumbass · racist · asshole · arrogant · nigger · bitch · loser · ignorance · fool · foolish · gay · rude · lame.
Urban Dictionary: potato.
Urban Dictionary: urban retard.
Urban Dictionary: lisp.